Annual Reports

2023: Placemaking in Action

In 2023, ARTogether embarked on a journey of Placemaking, a transformative theme reflecting our deep-seated belief in the power of art to forge environments that not only promote wellness and community engagement but also foster a profound sense of belonging among refugees and immigrants. This year has been a testament to our commitment to creating spaces that resonate with the cultural and emotional landscapes of those we serve, ensuring they find a home within our community where their stories and identities are celebrated and valued. As we unfold the pages of this annual report, we invite you to explore the impactful narratives and milestones achieved in pursuit of Placemaking, a cornerstone of our mission to nurture compassionate communities where every individual has the opportunity to flourish and make their mark.

See our 2023 Annual Report

2022: Healing

2022 was a year focused on healing and recovery. The past few years have been tumultuous, marked by the COVID-19 pandemic, growing awareness of racial injustice, rampant gun violence, border crises, and wars, creating a heavy burden for our community. For refugees and immigrants, loss is a defining part of their experience, including the loss of their homes, possessions, countries, and communities, as well as the separation from friends and loved ones. At ARTogether, we believe that art has the power to play a significant role in the healing journey of refugees. Through providing an emotional outlet, fostering a sense of community, promoting resilience, and encouraging positive coping mechanisms, art can help refugees restore their sense of identity and move forward from their experiences. This report celebrates the moments of joy from 2022 and expresses our heartfelt gratitude for your support during this transformative journey.

See our 2022 Annual Report

2021: Voices of our Communities

2021 has been a year of new normals, new realities, new governments, and new challenges. Yet as ARTogether has sought new directions, as we have developed and grown, the foundation of our work has remained untouched: Our programs should answer our communities’ needs. This report is intended to shed light on services and events that ARTogether has provided and organized over the year 2021, as well as a glimpse into our plans for the coming year. Yet it is first and foremost a reflection on how our efforts have been, and will continue to be, guided by those we aim to serve.

See our 2021 Annual Report

2020: Resilience

2020 has tested us. It has been a year that has separated us physically, but brought us together in our determination to tackle difficult situations, and made us realize anew the importance of collective action. At ARTogether, we have adapted our programs to the changing needs of our community, and found creative ways to deepen our engagement and strengthen our ties across the Bay Area. We have examined the values that shape our organization: community, creativity, growth, and support, and renewed our goals to live up to these ideals. As we grow, it is imperative to keep at the forefront the reason we are doing this – to build a more compassionate society where refugees and immigrants can flourish.

See our 2020 Annual Report

2019: Growth

2019 was a year of development for ARTogether. Our three areas of focus– Community, Artists, and Education—were defined in ways that will add more substance to our efforts going forward. This year we have provided services to over a thousand refugees and immigrants from over 36 different countries. We have launched new media projects, new community partnerships, and support a growing refugee artist network. Though we’ve faced more than our share of challenges, it’s worth taking stock of all we have accomplished this year.

See our 2019 Annual Report

2018: Moving Forward

The second year of ARTogether has been an exciting one. Our focus in 2018 has been to become a truly grassroots organization, to reach out to more people throughout the Bay Area and beyond, while engaging with people both within and surrounding our local refugee and immigrant communities. We have held more art classes, workshops and social outings than ever before, and have started new outposts in Concord, California, Fort Worth, Texas, and Zurich, Switzerland.

See our 2018 Annual Report

2017: Dedicated to Change

As ARTogether’s first year draws to a close, I look back with pride on how much we have been able to accomplish in such a short time. The year began in the wake of the shocking election of Donald Trump in November, 2016. Like many citizens, I was horrified by the then – president – elect’s flagrant misogyny and anti – immigration campaign platform. It was then on the eve of the Women’s March in January, 2017, that the idea for ARTogether was born.

See our 2017 Annual Report

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