Artist Growth

"As an immigrant artist, finding my footing in the art world in another country seemed like a daunting task, but ARTogether's Hub and ongoing support provided me with the guidance, support, and sense of belonging I needed to thrive. The program not only equipped me with practical skills but also connected me with a community of like-minded artists who understood the challenges and joys of immigrant life."

— Romina Zabihian Visual Artist, 2023 Hub Mentee "

ARTogether’s Artists Growth program supports first and second generation refugee and immigrant artists seeking to deepen their artistic practices. Through mentorship, workshops, funding, and exhibition opportunities, our program empowers diasporic artists to thrive in their artistic careers. 

We believe that artists are our communities’ leaders and culture bearers, and center their lived experiences, wisdoms, wellness, and dreams across our program offerings. It is through intentional relationship building that our creative visions can bloom.

If you are an artist and want to connect with our programs, please fill out the Artist Questionnaire below and we’ll connect with you soon. If you have any other questions please contact Michelle Lin, Artist Growth Program Director, at

Perpetual exile artists such as myself are not the kind of people, or artists, who want seats, or folding chairs, at the table. We want the means to create and build our own tables. Thanks to the Hub I now have specific tools to powerfully build and create my own table.”

Ipeleng Kgositsile: Writer, Entertainer, Performer, 2023 Hub Mentee

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