Join Our Board

We’re grateful for your interest in joining the ARTogether Board of Directors. We are looking for committed members who share our goal of being a resource to the refugee and immigrant communities, and who are willing to volunteer their time and share their expertise and network with ARTogether.

Currently we are looking for individuals who might have some of the qualities below, but not limited to: 

  • Represent the communities we serve and work with
  • Fundraising experience
  • Have connections and is willing to connect ARTogether to art collectors, museums, art venues, and/or local business partners.
  • Have experience with nonprofit strategy planning, such as measuring program impact and establishing a decision framework for our continued expansion

Responsibilities of the Board of Directors

Boards are responsible for governance, fundraising, community outreach and provide strategic guidance. Key responsibilities such as:

  • Be a steward of ARTogether’s mission, promote and advocate programs and organization’s mission among their network
  • Participate in board meetings and retreats
  • Provide strategic guidance, support and feedback on ongoing and future projects
  • Provide fiduciary oversight, i.e. review and approve budget
  • Oversee compliance with legal requirements
  • Organize, lead, or help with fundraising initiatives
  • Willing to reach out to personal resources who can be helpful for the organization
  • Engage in donor relationship building
  • Attend or volunteer for ARTogether’s events as needed

Individual Responsibilities

Within the framework of supporting ARTogether’s aims, we ask that each board member individually commit to:

  • Time commitment: average of 6-8 hours per month 
  • Attend at least 5 out of 6 bi-monthly board meetings every year (currently via video calls)
  • Attend at least 1 ARTogether event per year
  • Giving pledge: A minimum of $5000 yearly giving or individual fundraising goal or service commitment agreed upon by the board of directors
  • Proactively participate in fundraising efforts by either reaching out to personal and professional networks, leading and participating in fundraising events
  • Attend public events to increase the visibility of our mission

Board Selection Process:

  1. Submit Board application form
  2. After reviewing your application, if we might be a good fit for each other and if there is an opening on the Board, we will arrange two calls for you to meet with the Board of Directors and the Executive Director.
  3. Next step would be an invitation to the next board meetings upon consensus from board members.
  4. The Board will vote to approve your membership

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